Friday, January 17, 2014

Mediterranean Chicken

Dear Readers,

          Tonight's dinner was a hit! The whole family loved it and rated it 5 stars. We had Mediterranean Chicken with Saffron Couscous. Since we haven't made couscous in a while, the family loved the change, and I was surprised how much my kids like couscous!


School Time: If you don't know what couscous is, it is essentially crushed durum wheat, a dish originating in North Africa. And now for the visual...

The chicken was dusted in flour, sauteed, and then added to this savory mix of red onion, garlic, artichoke hearts, and Calamata olives. YUM!

And the finished plate...

As always, out of respect for Rachael, I do not post the recipe to our meals, unless there is a link online. However, we would love for you to pick up the book and follow along with us! You can purchase the Kindle version HERE.

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