About Us

          Welcome to our blog! We were inspired to write a blog on cooking and creating memories. My oldest daughter, Sophia, loves a good challenge and has a love of creating yummy meals in the kitchen. And I'm always up for a challenge too!

          We have chosen this year, 2014, to begin cooking 365 days of "hopefully" simple meals using Rachael Ray's "365: No Repeats" cookbook. Yes, this is a total rip-off of The Julie-Julia Project... but, we thought it was a fun idea! And as my 11-year-old daughter is growing up, I'm looking forward to a project with her. Sophia is also an avid writer and will be contributing to this blog as well.

          My desire, as a mom, is to treasure these moments with my oldest daughter who seems to be growing up right in front of my eyes. I love sharing this special time in the kitchen every day with her, teaching her cooking tips, and laughing about the mistakes that we make.

          As we go through the book, we'll be sharing how much the meals cost us, as well the delicious-o-meter of each meal. We will be starting this journey on Wednesday, January 1st. If you'd like to follow along and do this challenge with us, you can pick up the book HERE. Please, feel free to join in at any time throughout the year!

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